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Club History, Pen Pictures, and Information for Programme Editors 3 of 3

3. Romford Borough Youth & Girls FC - History & Information

Romford Borough Youth FC {RBYFC} was formed in 1994 and since then has maintained a healthy alliance with Romford FC. In 2006 Romford Borough Youth were accredited with Charter Standard status by the Essex FA with whom RBYFC are affiliated to. Romford Borough Youth FC is currently working towards Charter Standard Development status.

In 2008, a girls football section was formed and in 2011, The Cerebral Palsy {CP} team was welcomed to RBYFC’s ranks. For the forthcoming 2013/14 season, Romford Borough Youth FC will be represented by at least 12 Junior Football Teams, ranging from 7 to 16 years of age.

As well as an adults Saturday league team {Romford Borough} joining Romford Borough Youth FC’s ranks for the coming season, we are also working towards organising a pan disability team to play in the Soccability League along with our CP team.

Soccer School
A soccer school for 5-7 year olds is run every Saturday morning at Westlands Playing Fields, London Road, Romford RM7 9NX (next to St Edwards School).
New players are always welcome. Please contact Michelle Ewenson for details.

Girls Football
Having relaunched the Girls Football Section in May 2013, we are pleased to report, a healthy interest with many girls wanting to play football with Romford Borough Youth FC.
Next season, Romford Borough Youth FC will have at least 2 girls football teams playing in the girls football league.
Girls of all ages are welcome to come along to training on Saturday mornings, also at Westlands playing fields.
Please contact Graeme Aitken for further details.

U7 – U16 Teams
Throughout the summer months and Saturday mornings through the winter, teams train at Westlands playing fields. New players in every age group are welcome to come along and join. Our emphasis is for players to enjoy playing their football with us whilst each team plays to do their best in every match.

Beyond U16’s
Romford Borough {adults} and Romford FC offer a progression from youth to senior football. In 2012/13 Connor Goldstone made his debut for Romford FC’s 1st team and was the 1st player to have represented The Club at every age group from U7’s up to the senior team. We believe, a magnificent achievement and one that we would like to see happen again and again.

For children or parents looking for a club, we believe we provide a fun & friendly environment in which to learn to play football. New players are always welcome, please use of the contacts list below and they will put you in touch with the appropriate team manager. Many thanks

Contact Details

Chairman – Michael Dixon – 07894160539 {U12’s – U16’s}
Secretary – Malcolm Pond. {all}
Social Secretary – Graeme Aitken. 07791422199 {U7’s – U11’s + Girls}
Development Officer – Michelle Ewenson – 07826542579 {Soccer School}

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